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Scripting Help Needed


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I want to make a random chance of thing happening and I can't quite remember the random chance scripting code to do it, I've looked on wiki.

Asked at Beth Game Forum, asking here because I just need a push in the right direction with the scripting layout for random chances and how to make to make the game choose one of many random things to happen to the player.


Thanks for any help with this.

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I think you are talking about getrandompercent.



But, depending on the situation, that may not be the best option, and depending on the situation, that may not even be a valid option. However since you choose not to explain, can't really help you further.


Well, what I am trying to do is to expand on the Playable Dremora type mods, making the player whom will play as a Dremora experience the daedric side of the main quest, the randomly being *summoned* was to be a ongoing side quest and to happen at total random so that the player never would know when he or she was suddenly going to be pulled away from what they doing to do the bidding on some mortal guy or girl to depict what it must be like in a realistic as possible manner to be a dremora.


What I am wanting to do specifically is to script a effect on the player where the script would run on a timer a messege box would come up saying, summoning hold has taken you and for the load screen to come up and for the script to place the player in a completely random ( up to 20 different locations ) and for the player to be whisked away from doing whatever and moved to the random location and after a time of 10 minutes to be shifted back to where they were before they got shifted away. And I am wanting it to after the player has been whisked away to the random location and put back for this script to reset and not happen for 3 days game time.

Also I would want this on a Quest scripe and for it to only affect the Player.

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