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Type 3 pipboy glove


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I recently discovered that wearing the pipboy - as one does for 99.9% of the game, barring a mod - causes the game to switch one's left hand mesh to femalelefthandpipboyglove1st.nif. Now, while I can replace this file with my own hand (a type3 with long nails), that unfortunately causes the pipboy glove to go away, since it's not part of my hand's mesh.


I already tried copying and pasting the glove to the hand from within Nifskope. Even though this seemed to work without an error (my experience with Nifskope is pretty much limited to such simple operations), the glove model is not a match for the type3 hand; it was meant for the original hand, which is thicker-fingered and positioned somewhat differently.


So there's where I'm at. Hoping somebody either put together a type 3 pipboy glove, knows where one can be found, or could work a miracle and slap it together themselves. ;p


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