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Enchanting arrows/bolts


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Usually, when you enchant marksman items (such as arrows, bolts, etc.) you only enchant one at a time...but, I was wondering if there was some script or something you could put in it to make one enchantment enchant 25 of the same arrows/bolts. Does anyone know if this is possible?
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There are Fletching Mods that enable you to tip the arrows in various toxic substances I believe but whether one at a time or in bulk I don't know. If you have the official 'Area Effect Arrow' plug in, there is a wide choice of pre-enchanted arrows.


I assume also that you can design an arrow with whatever enchantment you want as a mod and give yourself any number of them.

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Ok, I got Area Affect Arrows Mod...I was just trying to add a twist to an archer file and decided I'd try to enchant my regular arrows (and rocks, coins, etc. that come with the Area Affect Arrows Mod) into enchanted arrows. But, since I was only enchanting one at a time, it seemed rather pointless. So I was wondering if I could enchant multiple at a time...


Thanks for the info on mod.

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