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Quest item question: Need item(s) to be unremovable


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As the topic suggests, but doesn't fully explain:


I am attempting to find a method of making an item un-unequippable, for example: Like the collar in Dead Money, you can see it in your inventory, you are unable to unequip it.

I've gone through all the linked references to said collar and I cannot find where they added that property.


Not certain how I would write a script to achieve this, unsure if just a script and/or a simple quest that would be need to provide this functionality for me.


If someone has any suggestions or better understanding of this, I would be thankful if you would share.


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Using the EquipItem function will allow you to do that. If the second parameter is set to 1 the actor will be unable to unequip the item, it can only be unequipped by calling the UnEquipItem function.


Using it in a script is really simple. If you attach this script to your item it will automatically be equipped when added to the players inventory:

ScriptName UnUnEquippableScript

Begin OnAdd Player
	Player.EquipItem [Your Item Here] 1

Now all you need to do to remove it is call UnEquipItem somewhere else, perhaps as a quest result script depending on what you want to do.

Edited by Ladez
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