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I want to know how to make gamebryo animation work in game.

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I Made a gamebryo sequence, and exported it. i can see this animation in nifskope and CK.

But i know we need a Havok Behavior to activate this animation.

so i tried make a havok behavior. but it didn't work.

I've written it myself, and I've also modified and applied different modes of vision to understand the behavior.

But it didn't work.
I practiced by looking at the havok guide uploaded on the nexus form, but I have difficulty because I don't have background knowledge about havok.
But after trying, i figured out about half of the components of the havok behavior and the theory of work.
So I'm curious about the key things that are needed to make this animation sequence work.

Also, I want to figure out why my sequence and behavior didn't work and fix it.


Now that I have some knowledge of how havok works, I would like to move on to this next step
It's hard to find a detailed guide to making it work in-game.
Is there a guide that summarizes only the parts I am curious about? The existing havok guide is great, but I think it will be difficult to solve my problem with that alone.
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Gamebryo is easy to run without havok, since initially this engine is not related to havok in any way. Animations are triggered using vanilla sequences, or scripted with custom sequences. Vanilla sequences ~20-30 keywords. They run without scripts. Havok does not initiate gamebryo sequences, but simply synchronizes the bones with these animations via hkx files. You need to make a general animation of the fittings along with the bones. Then separately export the gamebryo animation with sequences and separately export the bone animation to hkx. Both animations can be linked in ck like a furniture animation. People have done this many times, but it's like dancing with a tambourine and a test sent by the devil. All who did this did not leave more than one adequate textbook.


Edited by South8028
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Well, it was a link to ll. Almost everyone who works with bones in fo4 sits on ll, regardless of the content. Even if you don't like sex with toy characters, it's worth signing up to ll for the information. )

Also, I don't quite understand what you need. If you just run gamebryo animations (animation of static objects), then you don't need any havok. You only need Havok if you want to animate creatures along with static objects.

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thanks. But what should I do to do as you say? I think i should refer to the link, but they say i don't have permission.

I'm sorry. I didn't explain well because my English was not good enough.

(I'm very inexperienced because it's my first time dealing with these things like havok, gamebryo.... I'd appreciate your understanding.)

I'm going to use this sequence with a weapon.


Have you seen the grenade launcher mod called GLR 40? In this mod, the cartridge rotates every single shot of the launcher.

If I use this, I can make system that a bullet disappears one by one every time you fire a gun, and there are several such mods.

So I've tried many of these, and the most frequently referenced tutorial is here:

Fallout 4 HAVOK Guide - Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders - The Nexus Forums (nexusmods.com)


It's definitely not a living thing, but I've studied it and found that it's all working with the gamebryo sequence through behavor.hkx

These are related to Gamebryo Generators and BGS GamebryoSequenceGenerators at the bottom of guide. It was also used in most weapon modes.


Research has shown that most weapon mods use four hkx files(WPNNameBehavior, Behavior.hkx, Skeleton.hkx, Character.hkx) and behavior.hkx brings up the gamebryo sequence in nif.

So I tried to make them as identical as possible to other mods. I failed in the end.

As I said before, I tried to make it as similar as possible to the configuration of other modes, but it also failed.


So I'd like to ask for help on how to solve this. If it succeeds, it will be pretty cool.

(In fact, look at the reverse-engineered modes, the methods of describing them are slightly different. I don't think my way is the answer, but I think I can succeed in a different way.)

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I have not seen this tutorial. Thanks for sharing. I will study. I myself have never done animation for weapons. Made one furniture animation using hkx based on two tutorials. This one, which I downloaded from ll, and a tutorial on custom animations for furniture. I would like to learn about clothing animation. So I'm interested in havok from this point of view. Weapons don't interest me at all. I learned to animate clothes only as texture animation, - uv animation. Or as an animation of meshes linked via a bone controller. But such animations do not work with skeleton bones. If I make a skin with skeleton bones - clothing animations stop working. Therefore, I will also have to learn havok. (But havok pisses me off. Because it's probably the most unfriendly engine in the world.) After ue and unity, havok will pass for the quantum theory of gravity. )
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thanks. But what should I do to do as you say? I think i should refer to the link, but they say i don't have permission.

I'm sorry. I didn't explain well because my English was not good enough.

(I'm very inexperienced because it's my first time dealing with these things like havok, gamebryo.... I'd appreciate your understanding.)

I'm going to use this sequence with a weapon.


Have you seen the grenade launcher mod called GLR 40? In this mod, the cartridge rotates every single shot of the launcher.

If I use this, I can make system that a bullet disappears one by one every time you fire a gun, and there are several such mods.

So I've tried many of these, and the most frequently referenced tutorial is here:

Fallout 4 HAVOK Guide - Fallout 4 Creation Kit and Modders - The Nexus Forums (nexusmods.com)


It's definitely not a living thing, but I've studied it and found that it's all working with the gamebryo sequence through behavor.hkx

These are related to Gamebryo Generators and BGS GamebryoSequenceGenerators at the bottom of guide. It was also used in most weapon modes.


Research has shown that most weapon mods use four hkx files(WPNNameBehavior, Behavior.hkx, Skeleton.hkx, Character.hkx) and behavior.hkx brings up the gamebryo sequence in nif.

So I tried to make them as identical as possible to other mods. I failed in the end.

As I said before, I tried to make it as similar as possible to the configuration of other modes, but it also failed.


So I'd like to ask for help on how to solve this. If it succeeds, it will be pretty cool.

(In fact, look at the reverse-engineered modes, the methods of describing them are slightly different. I don't think my way is the answer, but I think I can succeed in a different way.)


Thanks for the reply. Maybe it can be implemented in a similar way to the furniture animation or static animation you talked about.
Could you share the tutorials that you've seen and studied with me? Something's coming up.
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I only saw this tutorial for furniture. I myself can only create static animations of activators, items and furniture without using havok. They are triggered by the usual sequences described in the extra data of vanilla nifs, or by custom ones from scripts. If you need to create simple static animations, then I can answer most questions. But I haven't contacted havok yet. Only with gamebryo.


Edited by South8028
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