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Shrink and eat spell


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Hi, first post yet.


I have started to play skyrim vanilla on the release, once I finished all quests I played something else, I didn't know anything about the fact we could mod that game...When I discovered Nexus, I started to install every kind of mods and Skyrim is now my main game !


So, I already install many many mods and there was a mod I tought about and I don't think its ever been made yet :


An instant kill with animation spell that makes a human enemy to shrink so you can eat him. Would be awesome on killcam.


I saw that in a movie, just cant remember the title. Hot women shrank a guy to the size of a pickle and then ate him.


I know it sounds weird, but I've seen so many weird and disturbing mods al around that I think my idea would fit well

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