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Port of Colt Peacemaker mod


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Thank you. I have sent a message to the creator asking permission. I tried to port the gun myself, but when I did, the hammer wasn't attached to the gun, and it didn't make any sound or fire any bullet, even though I set the sound and set the projectile! I just can not seem to get it to work

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Yeah it's great stuff. I also want to put together a apocalyptic cowboy pack with mix and match clothes/outfits using the standard FONV light armors like Grahms, assassin suit, stealth suit, chinese stealth suit etc mixed with western elements like dusters, ponchos etc. Sort of "the good the bad and the ugly" up the vanilla NV stuff. Then incorporate the multiple displayed weapons so we can have a rifle, two pistols and a knife showing all at once. Desperado all the way :)


Anyway, just waiting on confirmation from liquidpinky. If he gets back to me before the weekend we can get at least the peacemaker wrapped up and ready for prime time.

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