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No dumbing down! Vampirsm! The cure mod!


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If any Morrowind fan is their than I would like a mod where it makes Vampirsm harder to cure and you have to go on a epic quest cure it.

Could it render Falion useless? No, you can make it so that normal vampirsm can get you cured easily (your choice) however if your a vampire lord than your cannot be cured by Falion. Falion can ease your vampirsm, maybe by keeping you at stage 1 for at least 5-10 hours per day. (I'm sure you can think of something creative). The idea is that you cannot simply just go to a inn and ask to find a cure.


If that were true than Half of Tamriel would have been cured already and maybe Harkon would have had Fallion assassinated, so it needs to be harder. Just like Morrowind where you have to research and go on a epic quest.

I think it would be cool, to remove the dialogue when going in a inn to cure vampirsm.


This mod is inspired by this...


Edited by Malik1
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You have a point maybe use of black soul stones to keep under control, maybe a quest to the soul keep to cure it (Falion spell sounds like it tap the soul keep to cure you)

The point is, vamipism is to easy to cure. Maybe it can be cured like, like Morrowind you have to research Vampirsm, and eventually finding a location, a dungeon where you solve puzzles and possibly fight Molag bal minions? At the end, you have to drink blood one last time to cured. Maybe to abuse this than you could only do this once a year in game. Its up to you guys imagination.

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