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more rewarding vampire questline in dawnguard (spoilers)


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at the end of the volkihar plot nothing really changes in the castle or its inhabitants despite your supposed ascension to the throne - the dialogue is the same and you're still sent on petty errands. there are some mods to improve the place but these mostly seem to deal with the building itself.


i would propose the following upon completion of the story:


-more npcs and services that appear as you progress through the sidequests, as happens with the thieves guild


-a less underwhelming end to the dawnguard


-the option to refuse and choose repeatable quests, perhaps by letting others take care of it - a few generic 'vampire' npcs or those two useless gluttons at the table might disappear for a few days to reflect this.


-random vampires in the wild, like thieves after completion of the guild questline, might hand you gold or blood potions or at least greet instead of attacking you.


-maybe a respawning chest of loot, presumably recovered from raids and delivered as tribute

Edited by axfvh
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