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Fishpond Factory - Need your Ideas for better Fish Pond produce!


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Hey there,


I am about to make a huge modification that will improve the Fishpond experience.


As we all know fish ponds are not worth the space. But instead of just boosting up Roe Production like for example the Mod Fish Ponds Rebalanced from Mnesic does to get more money out of them, I want to make the Fish Ponds better at what they should do. They should be another way to acquire certain Items. The Mod that I am currently creating will do exactly that. Every single fish will be rebalanced. Fish will still spawn roe and the roe production will still be scaled up to a certain extend but every fish will have its Item Production boosted and / or changed.

For example, the woodskip has a small chance to spawn 99 hardwood at once. Sure that chance is slim but its there and the regular hardwood and wood production is also buffed.

However for balancing the Population quests have also increased and the fish ponds need more items from you, to get the population growing. Growing population means more roe production, more item Production and the chance for better items to spawn.


But I need your help. At the moment I am trying to sort out which fish could request and spawn which items. So if you have a favorite fish that you want to see spawn something or request something, tell me here! INCLUDING! fishes and Items for SVE as well! AND Legendary Fishes too! :)


Thanks for your ideas and comments!

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