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UsernamesMeh - BANNED

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UsernamesMeh banned.

Reason for the ban

Two counts of posting images of illegally ripped content from the Mass Effect series to the Fallout New Vegas imageshare.

This was just going to be a formal warning with a month long image upload block restriction - until I read the below post from yourself on one of the images:


UsernamesMeh, on 16 Oct 2013 - 9:21 PM, said:

I know download/content isn't allowed but if its true about photos then thats just f*#@ing retarded because I am not giving anything to anyone. All it is, is an photo and if nexus cannot figure that out then they are crappier then my friends have told me.

Relevant quote from our terms of service:


you should only upload images that would be acceptable in the file database. This, importantly, means that you should not upload pictures of mods you are using that would not be allowed in the file database such as mods using ported or copyrighted content. Whether or not you use these mods is your choice, but please do not upload pictures of these mods in action to the Image Share section of the sites.

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