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Object reciprocation Motion


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Could someone help me with a reciprocation Script for and Object.


Every thing I have come up with is rather lame.


I can not seem to get a simple piston action to work in the way I wish.


I was hoping that some of you might have some sample scripts to get me started in the right direction.


This is a very lame script, first attempt, I am sure there must be and easier way, and I actually desire a much smoother action than this allows.


It is just to give and Idea of what I was wanting. Very quickly done, and I am sure there is a much better, and easier way. And I hope smoother faster action if needed.


However this would always move the Object up and down, reguardless of it's Orientation. and It would be better if I could rotate it, and still have the Object move in the same direction back and forth.

Begin gamemode
    set me to getself
    if Me.getdistance player > 800
        if once == 0
            set zstart to me.getpos z
            set znew to zstart
            set once to 1

if timer >= 10 && timer < 12 && reverse == 0 && step == 0
        set znew to znew + 4
        me.SetPos z znew
        set step to 1
elseif timer >= 20 && timer < 22 && reverse == 0 && step == 1
        set znew to znew + 4
        me.SetPos z znew
        set step to 2
elseif timer >= 30 && timer < 32 && reverse == 0 && step == 2
        set znew to znew + 4
        me.SetPos z znew
        set step to 3
elseif timer >= 40 && timer < 42 && reverse == 0 && step == 3
        set znew to znew + 4
        me.SetPos z znew
        set step to 4
elseif timer >= 50 && timer < 52 && reverse == 0 && step == 4
        set znew to znew + 4
        me.SetPos z znew
        set step to 5


if timer <= 52 && timer > 50 && reverse == 1 && step == 0
        set znew to znew - 4
        me.SetPos z zNew
        set step to 1
elseif timer <= 42 && timer > 40 && reverse == 1 && step == 1
        set znew to znew - 4
        me.SetPos z zNew
        set step to 2
elseif timer <= 32 && timer > 30 && reverse == 1 && step == 2
        set znew to znew - 4
        me.SetPos z zNew
        set step to 3
elseif timer <= 22 && timer > 20 && reverse == 1 && step == 3
        set znew to znew - 4
        me.SetPos z zNew
        set step to 4
elseif timer <= 12 && timer > 10 && reverse == 1 && step == 4
        set znew to znew - 4
        me.SetPos z zNew
        set step to 5
if reverse == 0    
    if timer < 60
        set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
            PrintToConsole"timer got 60"
            set reverse to 1

        if step == 5
            set step to 0
if reverse == 1
    if timer > 0
        set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed
            PrintToConsole"timer got to 0"
            set reverse to 0
        if step == 5
            set step to 0

Oblivion is I know not top line for anyone any more, but I was hoping someone could help me with this.

Edited by taglag
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This is a sample script to keep an object going up and down. Hope it can give you some ideas. Use at will.
Note that using GetSecondsPassed as a multiplier for the speed gives you a smoother movement at any FPS

begin gamemode
if xObject == 0
; First time only: set vars
; xStdSpeed positive: Object will initially go up
; xStdSpeed negative: Object will initially go down
set xObject to GetSelf
set xStdSpeed to -5 ; <<< Change to your liking (units per second)
set xMaxDisplacement to 100 ; <<< Displacement limit
set xPosZ to xObject.getstartingpos z
if xStdSpeed > 0
set xPosMin to xPosZ
set xPosMax to xPosZ + xMaxDisplacement
set xPosMax to xPosZ
set xPosMin to xPosZ - xMaxDisplacement
set xStdSpeed to -xStdSpeed

set xPosZ to xObject.getpos Z + xSpeed * getsecondspassed
if xPosZ > xPosMax
set xPosZ to xPosMax
set xSpeed to -xStdSpeed
if xPosZ < xPosMin
set xPosZ to xPosMin
set xSpeed to xStdSpeed
xObject.setpos Z xPosZ


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This is a sample script to keep an object going up and down. Hope it can give you some ideas. Use at will.

Note that using GetSecondsPassed as a multiplier for the speed gives you a smoother movement at any FPS



begin gamemode

if xObject == 0

; First time only: set vars


; xStdSpeed positive: Object will initially go up

; xStdSpeed negative: Object will initially go down


set xObject to GetSelf

set xStdSpeed to -5 ; <<< Change to your liking (units per second)

set xMaxDisplacement to 100 ; <<< Displacement limit

set xPosZ to xObject.getstartingpos z

if xStdSpeed > 0

set xPosMin to xPosZ

set xPosMax to xPosZ + xMaxDisplacement


set xPosMax to xPosZ

set xPosMin to xPosZ - xMaxDisplacement

set xStdSpeed to -xStdSpeed




set xPosZ to xObject.getpos Z + xSpeed * getsecondspassed

if xPosZ > xPosMax

set xPosZ to xPosMax

set xSpeed to -xStdSpeed


if xPosZ < xPosMin

set xPosZ to xPosMin

set xSpeed to xStdSpeed


xObject.setpos Z xPosZ





Thx U so much, It was just one of those thing's i had never tried, or thought about untill recently when I was picking at something.


I knew about using activator's but was trying to avoid that, as it become to cumbersome moving the activator's and the Object if used in many places.


I will surely give this a try.. Thx U again


I was assuming the locals were like this ?



REF xObject
short xStdSpeed
short xSpeed
short xMaxDisplacement
float xPosMax
float xPosMin
float xPosZ ;
Edited by taglag
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Thank you very much, I could not quite get what you had working, I am not a great scripter, but I managed to take what you taught me, and make this, which is not as clean as your's, but works pretty well for my needs.


Thank you again




SCN DZMVHeavyPress ;

Float zStart
Float zNew
short once
Short reverse
float Maxz
float Minz
short ZSpeed
Ref ME
;***Rotate axis, degrees/sec :if i need it
Begin Onactivate
    Messagebox"You'll get a broken hand Dummy !" OK
Begin gamemode
        set me to getself
    if Me.getdistance player > 800
        if once == 0
;            me.enable
            set zstart to me.getpos z
            set Minz to zstart
            set maxz to zstart + 15
            set ZSpeed to ZSpeed + 3
            set once to 1
if me.getpos z >= maxz
        set reverse to 1
elseif me.getpos z <= Minz
        set reverse to 0
if me.getpos z < maxz && reverse == 0
        set znew to me.GetPos z + zspeed * getsecondspassed
        me.SetPos z znew


if me.getpos z > Minz && reverse == 1
        set znew to me.GetPos z - zspeed * getsecondspassed
        me.SetPos z znew



I may stream line it a little more latter, but for now it seems okay.

Edited by taglag
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