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Focussing Crystal problem


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How comes that suddenly the Focussing Crystal Isn't worn by a Falmer in Mzulft anymore, but in a cave far away I need a key for that is in a hut I need a key for?

I started a new game in hope the crystal is back where I know it, but it still is somewhere else.I also tried to add it by console command, but Paratus doesn't accept that.

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That's really weird.


We had trouble once, finding the crystal, but it ended up on one of the dead Falmer bodies inside Mzulft.


We recall re-searching all of the dead Falmer bodies, and aha!, there it was.


It helps to have the Detect Dead spell in your Alteration Magic, which helps you locate all hard-to-find dead bodies.


The copies of objects you get from the console, like the key, for example, don't always work in game, because the game re-writes the ID code for needed objects as you progress through quests. And this code does not necessarily appear in console if you use the "help" command.


You might need to look up the correct key ID on the UESP Wiki. And, to our experience, that sometimes doesn't work, either.


Sometimes, depending on your gameplay, the Falmer bodies can get stuck behind in-game objects. If you have stagger on a weapon or use unrelenting force full power, flying dead NPC bodies can also clip into walls etc.



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Might be a result of a corrupted save, where the quest pointer is moved to the last place a (nearly) matching ID was known. Sometimes a glitch will allow the body carrying a quest item to be removed. As far as I know, this is not recoverable, and you must go back to a save before you entered that level, or even before entering the facility itself. I hope that I am wrong...


You could try verifying your game files in Steam, as a Hail Mary type of approach, just in case something got messed up.

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