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Game time and Shade of the Revenant

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Hey guys, I am trying to implement the shade of the revenant to allow the creation of black soul gems every 8 days as in Oblivion. I can't figure out how to get this to work. I want to make it so that every 8 days an activator will be able to be activated and if you have grand soul gems it will turn them into black.


I want to change a global variable precisely at 12 a.m. every 8 days to allow for the functionality but I can't find an event that would work for specifically at 12 a.m. on a certain day. Once I get that, I could just registerforupdategametime(192) to check for 8 days later but how do I get the first instance at the right time and is there a better way to do this? If you have any insight, please let me know. Thank you!

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Hey, I think that's a fine way to do it. You can use the GameHour global variable to get the current time. 0.0 is 12 am. Also I would use a bool instead of a global variable, that's just me though. For example:


Bool Property CanUse Auto Hidden 
GlobalVariable Property GameHour Auto 
SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemBlack Auto

Event OnInit() 
    RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime((24.0 - GameHour.GetValue())) ;updates at 12am 

Event OnUpdateGameTime() 
    CanUse = True

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) 
    If CanUse
        If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
            If Game.getPlayer().GetItemCount(SoulGemGrand) > 0 
                CanUse = false
                Game.getPlayer().RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1)
                Game.getPlayer().AddItem(SoulGemBlack, 1)
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Okay, another issue I've run into.


I am trying to make a giant beam of light appear during the day of the revenant.


To that end, I have placed a moveablestatic in the world at the altar's location. I have a quest trying to fill an alias with a alias fill type of Location Alias reference, much the way the Civil war adds objects.


The problem is when the quest starts it is not filling the alias. I have a Location Alias before the Reference Alias Pointed to the Location that the altar is in. The beam has the location ref type set but I can't get the alias to fill.


Maybe there is an easier way to make something appear during the correct times but I can't think of one other than attaching a script directly to the objectreference but I'm wondering if this has any drawbacks. I kind of just tried to copy what the civil war did but I can't seem to make it work. Thank you for any help!

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