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Inconsistent crashes loading saves


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I have a weird thing going on with my modded survival where it ran perfectly for awhile until around the end of the main story (Im using Galac Tac Retribution Subversion, and Nora companion) when I suddenly started having CTDs loading some saves. Then I would crash while playing the game so I uninstalled unlimited companions framework that I was using which stopped my crashes while playing but some saves continued to fail to load. It got so annoying that I switched back to just very hard which helped. Then I started having the issue again but not as bad. For the most part I barely touched my mod list and used resaver to get rid of any leftover scripts and loot to organize my load order. Currently, if a save fails to load, the second time I try to load it up, it works and I can play without any crashes except for downtown Boston where Ill usually crash (even though previously I could walk around it without a crash). Im not sure how to fix it or whats causing some saves to fail to load. Im also using the Grim ENB so I wanted to learn if its normal for any ENBs to cause random crashes.
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