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Sudden FPS drop troubleshooting


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Hey Nexus!


I need input on how to go about troubleshooting massive FPS drops in a huge modlist. My game normally runs at around 30-60fps, maybe temporarily down to 15 in intense situations. However, if I coc to Dawnstar my FPS now drops significantly below 1, without letting up, making any movement impossible.


A few initial observations:

* GPU, CPU and RAM seem fine (graphics fans calm down and turn off, CPU and RAM are around 25% in task manager).

* No VM Overstressed messages

* No big changes to the Dawnstar area

* in CK things seem fine (hm, actually, no, getting assertion errors. Maybe I can narrow that down..)



Is there anything I can do to narrow it down other than brute forcing it by disabling half my load order at the time?

Edited by carpenihil
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If you are running HDT-SMP, it might be something as simple as a necklace conflicting with an armor, both SMP enabled. I found that out the hard way.


You could try to coc to the Vigilant HQ, or the Imperial camp to the west, and walk from there, to see where the problem first occurs. I assume that with a 'huge' mod list, you are running all of the unofficial patches, and the various 'fixes' mods?

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