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Switching Weapon Anims Via Workbench

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As the title states, is there a way to set a weapon up so that one can switch between animations, such as if you had two anims for a knife or similar? Cyberout Animatons for Vanilla Swords does this for example, and while I can slowly dissect cyberout to see what they do to set up their anims and whatnot it'd be lovely if there happened to be a guide (I didn't have any luck finding one) or someone could just detail it for me and save me who knows how long tinkering with XEdit.


Want to set up some anim stuff, then if I can get it working see if through OMOD trickery I can get some combat variation going (though that'd most likely be down the line and after I get a few other projects wrapped up).


Thank you,


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Yes. Untill someone else provides a comprehensive guide, here's just in short, because it was long ago.


This includes change of Animation Type (named Type in OMOD), and keywords like WeaponTypeMelee1H etc. (major modificator it seems, both DFOB and used for idles) and anims1hmWeapon etc. (secondary group, for idles anims). Now i'm unable to explain in all details what bad happens if they don't correlate, better they do i think, though might lead to interesting results if don't?


Looking at my mod, for example, to add bottom hook to Knuckles it was enough to add kw animsPowerFist. Switching from 1h to 2h involves change of Type (1 to 5) and both keyword groups (e.g. WeaponTypeMelee1H to WeaponTypeMelee2H, anims1hmWeapon to anims2hmWeapon), for suitable things like Hydrant. Change of swing anim to wider needs substitution of anims2hmWeapon by anims2hmWideWeapon. May look at vanilla things for now, there will be nuances for different weapons i guess, and keywords are named somewhat meaningful.

Edited by hereami
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Ooh, thanks for the info! I typically don't dabble too much with animations (aside from picking out what I want to use in my LO) so it's definitely helpful. Thanks again!

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Ok :smile:, try something, but still gotta need to track down what actions each keyword triggers exactly, to not act blindly. And for secondary animsXX group, they can be combined, e.g. animsStub + anims1hm are default for Knife.

If there's a need to remove keyword from weapon, then i suspect there is REM function in [FormID,Int] OMOD entry with a purpose of temporarily removing forms from base objects, but honestly i've never tried it to see if works as suggested, and just made my custom weapon keyword-less and provided base Default OMOD. (ps. Hmm, or maybe i tried and it didn't work as expected, can't remember now.)

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