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Issues with mods


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Well so I've gotten Fallout 3 GOTY and I've already played it before so I decided to mod it. I got a few mods which I shall list. But they don't seem to want to work.. Any of them! When I activate them all in FOMM. I launch, the resolution changes and I just get a black screen and then get a fallout 3 has stopped responding thing.

My mods are:

Advanced recon Thermal Nightvision

Armored Duster

Dark Justice Duster

Detect traps

Enhanced weather rain and snow

Fallout Street Lights



Fallout Stutter Remover

FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition

Hacking thermals is easier

Fallout 3 redesigned


Sorry for my noobieness and lack of information. Because I've never done this kind of stuff and I just bought the game for the sole purpose of modding it.

Also I know I can run the game on my PC with the mods, that's not the issue.

The game runs vanilla also.





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This is just a guess, but FWE and Fallout Redisigned seem to both be overhaul mods. There may well be some clash that is game-breaking.


Other than that, it's always a good idea to activate mods one at a time, and use BOSS to arrange them properly. That way you know which mod is causing the crash, and that can offer several solutions in itself.

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