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Unarmed weapon not showing in 1st person


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As the title says, I "created" an unarmed weapon, with all the textures, meshes etc to go with it. It shows up fine in 3rd person mode, but despite creating a 1st person Static File and Texture Set, it still does not show up. I noticed that Brass & Spiked Knuckles have only the Armor List selected, no 1st Person Model, and they work fine.


In order to implement this weapon properly, I have told the ARMA model that it is to associate this add-on with BodyAddon01 instead of Left Hand and / or Right Hand. I did wonder if this might be something to do with it, as I am not sure what BodyAddon01-03 are for, but I assumed it was this very situation.


I have tried to make the weapon do exactly what spiked knuckles do, which they most closely resemble.


This is my setup:


- Textures put into Texture Set

- Texture Set applied to ARMA model

- ARMA model put into a FormList

- Formlist selected under Armor List dropdown


- Textures put into 1st Person Texture Set

- 1st Person Texture Set applied to 1st Person Static

- 1st Person Static selected under 1st person Model Object dropdown


I have tried applying Model, 1st Person Model Object, and Armor List individually as well as in various combinations to no avail.


So what's the problem here? I can't see anything that the game has done that I haven't, yet clearly there must be something...

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I wrestled with this same problem recently. In first person the game does not render the whole body. So anything not on the render list is left out which means anything marked as 'add on'. You'll notice the unarmed weapons come with their own hand model because they are marked as covering the hand, and anything marked liked that makes the whole hand disappear.


What really scrambled my brain, and i still haven't figured it out yet, is how to make a new glove work with unarmed weapons because they are both marked 'hand' and when I do it, one just over writes the other even though they seem to be setup exactly the same way that the vanilla gloves are. And it is the same problem, I can make it work in third person but not in First, so it has something to do with the render list.

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Okay, so I found a workaround. It requires a few things of you...



- Willing to have one glove – in this case the Pip-Boy glove – tied to equipping your weapon

- Familiar with editing models with Nifskope

- Familiar with unpacking .bsa files with FOMM


Your unarmed weapon model needs to have a LeftHand branch, as you will need the markers for your replacement left hand.


To start, you wil need two models open. The first is your weapon, let’s call it your_weapon.nif. The next is the Pip-Boy glove, let’s call it pipboy.nif. The actual pipboy.nif is here:


Fallout 3 \ Data \ Meshes \ Characters \ _Male \ lefthandpipboyglove.nif


Once you have these two open, go to the pipboy.nif. Left click on the glove to select it, and it should be highlighted with a wireframe mesh. Now right click the glove, and select “Block --> Copy Branch (Ctrl + C)”. Now go to your_weapon.nif and select the topmost node, should be called “0 NiNode”. Now right click the node and select “Block --> Paste Branch (Ctrl + V)". Now go back to pipboy.nif and select the fingers, then repeat the copy & paste.


Next, go to your_weapon.nif and find the LeftHand branch. Make a note of the associated number in square brackets – for me it is [9]. Now select the left hand branch, right click and select “Block --> Remove Branch (Ctrl + Del)”.


Finally, still in your_weapon.nif, you need to find the new entry that relates to the glove and change it’s bracketed number to whatever the left hand was. Do this by double-clicking the entry that contains the number, and change it. You only need to enter the number, it will do the rest. Now do the same for the fingers you pasted in.


This should have replaced the left hand model with a left hand + pip-boy glove model, and you should now be able to equip your weapon without it removing the Pip-Boy glove.


This method should also work with whatever glove you want, though obviously I have not tested it.

Edited by AxlDave
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