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agreeing with subject I decide that I need rest. Before I go I search the enclave I, getting a NV set, a beam rifle, new set of power armor, and clean socks. you can never have too many pairs of socks. once I'm done searching their bodies I return to my room, store my new found Items in my locker, lock my door, turn on my music and open the latest vault girl mag.
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I put the tesla armour in my locker and then leave my room, locking it behind. I go to try and find the overseer. "flogging, may i have a terminal in my room, because i would like to write down my experiments
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I take a suit of tesla armour, and some ammo for the guass rifle. "I'll be back in a minute Anton." I head back to my office and close the door. I then change from my coat into the armour.


I strap the sword to my side, the switch to the outside of my leg, sling the gauss rifle across my back, .44 to my hip, and lock the coat and sawed-off in my footlocker.


I then grab a couple bottles of regular Nuka Cola, and head out locking my door. Running into subject, I say "Sure, there should be a few dummy terminals on the reactor level. If all you want is something to record your experiments on, one of those should work fine."


Heading back to the entrance, I hand Anton a bottle, and ask, "What'd I miss?"

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I install my terminal and report the tesla armour experiment and the research i found conducting my experiments. I then start to look into the magic of nuka quantum.
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fully refreshed and healed, I redress putting on my over coat sliding my swords up my back. putting my belt of pulse grenades over my shoulder and my new beam rifle across my back. finally I decide to wear my NV goggles under my hat. I then leave my room, lock the door behind me and head down to see what the others are doing.
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