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Adding weapons to NPCs\Leveled Lists


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So I have a couple modifications of the Assault Rifle and Chinese Assault Rifle that I would like to add to NPC's like raiders, muties, and talon mercs. I especially want my RPK\Light Machine Gun (which I made modding the mesh :3 ) variant of the Chinese Assault rifle to be used by mutants and talon mercs.


I've been looking around the forums and on google, and I'm not getting a proper answer on how to add things to NPCs or Leveled lists. If possible I'd like a step by step intructions to get a couple guns on NPC's. I'm not a pro with the GECK so basically I need to be walked through anything technical. I at least know enough to get a gun into the game but not enough to get the gun on npcs

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It's really quite simple. First you have to identify the list(s) you want to add your weapon to then use the FOSE function ListAddFrom to add the weapon to your list(s) via a script that runs once and once only.


Check out these GECK links for more info...

Link1 - working with Form Lists

Link2 - AddFormToFormList (works like ListAddForm, but has more of a description of how the command(s) works)

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Well, you can add your weapons to the GECK lists manually, as in, add them to the lists using the GECK. If you do, your mod won't be compatible with any other mods that modify leveled lists. Using a script allows the lists to not conflict with other mods. But if you just want this for yourself, go ahead and add your weapon to the lists you choose manually. To do that, just drag and drop it into the lists you have chosen.


NOTE: Many lists are made up of other lists, so it's important to 'drill down' and find the base lists to use. base lists will be made of weapons and not other lists. You can easily find lists within lists simply by double clicking on the list item. That will open the sub-list. You may have several nested lists, so keep drilling until you can't drill no more.

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I already figured out the leveled items thingy, and where to put them, like put guns for NPC's in the conditioned lists, and put guns for vendors in small or big gun lists.


I found that using my test mod with the game if you merge it with your other mods things work out fine.


I would go the scripting way but its all way too confusing for me, I've never been good at understanding programing and scripting languages

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