Roebuck101 Posted July 4, 2022 Share Posted July 4, 2022 My current Fallout 4 save is bizarre. I started it as a modded survival where it ran perfectly for awhile until around the end of the main story (Im using Galac Tac Retribution Subversion, and Nora companion which are the only ones that make changes to the main story) when I suddenly started having CTDs loading some saves. Then I would crash while playing the game but after uninstalling unlimited companions framework, it got better but some saves continued to fail to load. It got so annoying that I switched back to just very hard which helped. Then I started having the issue again but nowhere near as bad. For the most part I barely touched my mod list and used resaver to get rid of any leftover scripts and loot to organize my load order. I tried installing Buffout 4 but that always crashes my game when I load saves even the safe ones. Perhaps, I installed it wrong as I was looking at old video tutorials but I did see crash logs. Currently, if a save fails to load, the second time I try to load it up, it works and I can play without any crashes except when I travel to downtown Boston from Bunker Hill where Ill usually crash (even though previously I could walk around it without a crash). Im not sure how to fix it or what's causing some saves to fail to load. I don't want to change anything and make things worse unless someone with more experience makes recommendations. I'm also using the Grim ENB which has two files: the normal mod and the performance friendly version. There's no bugs or posts tabs to see if the Grim ENB has any issues. I want to know if its normal for any ENBs to cause random crashes when loading saves. I only recently started using ENBs and installed it correctly. Honestly, I'm hoping the random crashes are ENB related. My Load order after loot rearranged it and what I've been playing with for awhile: Fallout4.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esmccbgsfo4016-prey.eslccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.eslccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esmccqdrfo4001_powerarmorai.eslccbgsfo4048-dovah.eslccbgsfo4115-x02.eslccrzrfo4002-disintegrate.eslccbgsfo4116-heavyflamer.eslcczsefo4002-smanor.esmccacxfo4001-vsuit.eslcctosfo4002_neonflats.esmccgcafo4025-pagunmm.eslUnofficial Fallout 4 Patch.espHUDFramework.esmXDI.esmCW10mmPistol.eslSettler Sandbox Overhaul.eslHellcatPA.eslGTFOB.eslNoraSpouse.esmCWPointLookoutFO4.esmT65PA.eslVaultOutfitPack.eslEnclavePack.eslAllSetsExtended.espEnclave Resurgent.esp Boston Natural Surroundings.esp 3DNPC_FO4.esp EchoLakeLumberMill.esp subwayrunnnernodynamic.espNationalParkMainBuildingRebuilt.esp OutcastsAndRemnants.espSaferoom2.0.espAGNISNikaCola01.espConcordEXPANDED.espAmerica Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp TheCode.esp FarHarborStory.espAA FusionCityRising.espVault4.espW.A.T.Minutemen.esp CSEPAllAmericans.esp BetterOpenSeason.esp AtlasSummit.esp Enclave Paint DLC.espCheatTerminal.espFar Harbor Bridge.espTU3SD4Y'S Commonwealth Responders.espMinutemen Supply Caches.esp Children of Ug Qualtoth.esp PrivateContract.esp3DNPC_FO4Settler.esp Minuteman Watchtowers.esp InstituteReformation.esp strong_PA.esptumbajamba Advanced Engineering.espECV_RemnantsArmor.espChineseStealthSuit.esp EnclaveX02.esp Equalizer.espEqualizer Power Armor.espEnclaveX02Craftable.esp MMsLaserRCW.espFOrigin12.esp MWM4.esp50CalMachineGun.espEferasBetterBeds.espCleanSettlement.espCAMP.esp LooksMenu.espThe Eyes Of Beauty.espAzarPonytailHairstyles.esp LooksMenu Customization Compendium.espPlatinumCurieV2.1.espEnclaveFactionItems.esp cat_wildlands.espLimaOutpost.esp stumbleuponinteriors.espCity of Quincy.espSettlementMenuManager.espLegendaryModification.espLegendaryModification2LM.espFatherCompanion.esp00LK_RE_Followers.espRangergearnew.esp MK18.espCAPA.esp AER15.espPatriot.espMiami Misadventures EP1.espcompanionLeon.espWilkesEstate.espECV_Remnants.espRU556.espRU556Armouryprojectv3.espAER15_DamageModifiers.espGalac-TactREDUX.espSCAR-L.espCombinedArmsNV.espStG44.espFO4 NPCs Travel.esp00LK_MW2019_SAS_Companions.espRyan.esp EnclaveUniform.esp AtomicRadio.espEnclave-X02.espAmericaRising-GearOfTheEnclave.esp Hellfirenew.espHellfirecraftable.espFallout3Companions-Butch.esp EnclavePropagandaPack.espVermillionFrost.espL96A1.espACR-W17.espSkip DIMA memories.espTrueGrass.espBOREALIS.espCWPointLookoutPlayerVoice.esp Maggie_V8.espTMaH Atlantic Office fix.espAGNISNikaCola01-XDI patch.esp NoraSpouseFarHarbor.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest deleted34304850 Posted July 4, 2022 Share Posted July 4, 2022 learn how to install buffout 4 and use the crash log scanner to help you detect your issue. honestly, that's your only chance to find the root cause. simply putting a list of mods up ain't going to help anyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreadshow Posted July 5, 2022 Share Posted July 5, 2022 Read the FAQ of In the articles, check the areas mentioned, in xEdit. Read the posts/Comments of, XDI is a pain and it does edit North End a lot, so Galac and the Code are probably incompatible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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