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So I see lots of modern weapons being put in this game, like the M4A1 and G36C but I still have not seen the Israeli IWI M-TAR 21 (Tavor) which I think is a shame because it is such a great weapon. Also there would be no need to put new ammo in the game for this because it actually takes 5.56 NATO rounds as New Vegas already has as I'm sure everyone knows 5.56 rounds.


Image below for those who don't know this weapon.





So yeah it would be great to see this in New Vegas thank you.

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Yeah you might want to get your names right:


The picture you linked is the original TAR-21. Yet you're writing about the MTAR-21 (assuming that you mixed up the hyphen there) which is a shortened version of the TAR-21 which looks like this:


So which gun are you asking for? The TAR-21 or the MTAR-21?


In any case, the TAR-21 already exists for FNV but it's not available here on the Nexus due to legal reasons.

Edited by dangman4ever
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