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Plug-in Problems!! Help!!


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Well im kind of new to the fourms, so i dont exactly know what much to do but hey, anyways I'm having this problem with certain plug-ins... You see i have Tribunal and Bloodmoon installed, and when i click on data files (before booting up Morrowind), some pulg-ins come up with this comment saying, Tribunal.esm is required for this file to be loaded, and it has changed since this file was last saved. You might experience problems with the game., or/and of course, Bloodmon.esm is required for this file to be loaded, and it has changed since this file was last saved. You might experience problems with the game.

So at first i ignored it, but as it says i got errors with the game, and Morrowind will sometimes even crash with them on... Anyways i really need some help, so please reply =D

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The error messages themselves mean almost nothing -- they simply indicate that the file sizes of your masters differ from the sizes of the master files used to create certain plugins. In fact, you'd do well to just get TESTool and update the headers of all your active plugins so that the warning won't come up.


If you're experiencing crashes, it's more than likely that a version mismatch is not the cause -- you'll have to go into detail about the circumstances behind the crashes.

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