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Skyrim Generations: AWESOME MOD IDEA


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What if there was a Mod about Family?


1. Get a Woman/Man.

2. Socialize with her and increase your Relationship with Him/Her

3. Ask her if she is interested in you.

4. Go to a Place for Proper Marriage.

5. Get Married.

6. Buy a House.

7. Get a Baby. (Must sleep in Bed for 10 Seconds.

8. Every Day (In Skyrim Time) The Baby gets Older and Older.

9. Once the Baby reaches 10 Years old it's ready to be Trained.

10. Train her the Ways of the Dragonborn

11.Teach her Combat/Magic etc.

12. Give her Weapons.

13. Train them.

14. Once they get older they can go to Old Daddy's/Mommy's Footsteps.

15. When they get a lot older they'll get Married and Have Kids.

16. The Generation goes on.. and on.

Great Idea Huh?

Oh and if you are not a Nord but a Khajit, Dark Elf etc. The Child becomes like you. Same Race.


I want to call this Mod...


Skyrim Generations! :)


Share your Ideas below!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, well half of those features are already in the the Hearthfire DLC. The mod would greatly expand upon that.



7. Get a Baby. (Must sleep in Bed for 10 Seconds.


Heh, only 10 seconds? I think you may be doing something wrong there buddy. :tongue:

LOL Dude. 10 Seconds = 10 Hours of well.. you know. But there will be a Black Screen :)

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Thats when name and appearence generators are required...

As for the overpopulation, than can be an issue.. UNLESS someone programs a population cap type of system into the game then all is good. :tongue:

Relax... Generators for Appearance and Names are easy.. Just add a Randomiser!

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  • 1 - 6 IS possible . From what I know Maids of Skyrim have this Relationship/Friendly points because of the Character Kassia .
  • The rest hearthfire already has some feautres .
  • The 10 seconds ? REALLY XD? Well, you could always use the default Dark-Fade transistion and well lets just make it into hours this time yeah ? :laugh: More realistic haha


Well for the rest . I thinks it's really hard unless some Hardcore modders really can make the script and the growing up stuff. Animations. Changes of character when young-old . Scripts that can make your Child/Wife really like interactive choices. Let me tell you It TAKE MONTHS or even a year to make this mod. Who knows ? I'm not a modder, though I'm just stating my knowledge haha :)


And Many many many modded scripts :nuke:


And hey what about you !~? The dragonborn xD Don't you also going to age as well ? :sweat:

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