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Need script - summoning oblivion gate spell


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I need a spell script that, when cast, will placeatme an oblivion gate with full animation.


you know the animation of when normal small oblivion gates recede into the ground, well i need a script that will make the door do the oposite when a spell is cast. It will be cast, the door will rise from the ground with its animation in play, and when the spell is cast again the original door will disappear and a new one will pop up to prevent cloning. I can take care of what the door goes to and all, but i need someone to script a spell script that just makes the door pop up. Full credit will be given, and within the mod itself i will put something in there as a special request from the scripter so he has a further say in what the mod has.


Specifics about the mod will only be told to someone who makes me this script. It is going to be a relatively large mod with a lot of custom meshes and is going to be a killer. BUT i need this script done. Any and all help would be appeciated. The door needs to be in front of the player when cast but im pretty sure placeatme will do that. I need the script to actually play the animation though, i cant just use a spell that SUDDENLY appear out of no where an oblivion gate in front of you. It needs the animation at all costs.


This might be either a difficult task, or one that requires someone of a good scripting knowledge. Anyone up for the task to show off their abilities should PM me. This thread is not intended for discussion about the mod. As of this point the details are on a need to know basis. And the scripter who accepts this challenge WILL know and will have a say in how things are done in the mod as a special thank you.




PS: If any mesh/texture artists would like to contribute you are welcome to PM me for further details to see if you are interested. It is going to be a large mod, not huge, but large, and is mainly going to be made in the CS by me, however, i am willing to accept anyone interested in helping that has the following skills due to the fact their the only ones i need.


Exterior designer: Not needed, but if you are an exterior designer and a GOOD one you may be of some use and i might take your help.

Scripter: a definite need, my scripting needs are not likely to stop at this door.

Mesh/texture artists: I will be needing custom work done, nothing too hard to handle but something beggining artists might not be able to handle with low knowledge of blender/nif/photoshop.

Animation artists: Not a need but could definitely be used if someone is willing.


Any contribution, one time contribution or someone wanting to help till the end will get full credit, and not just a quick "Thanks to blah for blah". I will make sure to get your name out there and known with links to your mods of choice. Hopefully when im done this mod will be a good hit and if it is it can get people to know your name when they see who helped in the development of this mod.


Im not intending on putting a team together, but i do need some help here and there. From the script needed im sure people can guess what it is, but i dont want to make public immediantly my intentions for this mod to the public but again those willing to help will know in full detail.


Thanks for your time.



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So far as i know now, someone is taking care of the script. At least, out of the replies, someone who can handle it.


I am still open to, but not in dire need of but will accept anyone that wants to contribute in the following ways.


Mesh/texture artists: Weapons, armor, static interior/exterior tower room designs (can give a roughly sketched example of what needs to be done) and book mesh/texture (an evil, spike rimmed, skull fronted large book.)


scripter (for mainly quests)


Script editor (someone who is an excellent scripter and can read/edit scripts to ensure they do exactly what their intended to do, kinda like a playtester)


I should probably just put a sight together >_<

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So far as i know now, someone is taking care of the script. At least, out of the replies, someone who can handle it.


I am still open to, but not in dire need of but will accept anyone that wants to contribute in the following ways.


Mesh/texture artists: Weapons, armor, static interior/exterior tower room designs (can give a roughly sketched example of what needs to be done) and book mesh/texture (an evil, spike rimmed, skull fronted large book.)


scripter (for mainly quests)


Script editor (someone who is an excellent scripter and can read/edit scripts to ensure they do exactly what their intended to do, kinda like a playtester)


I should probably just put a site together >_<

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Hahahahahahaha... umm.. NO.


Lol, thanks for looking around a bit, but the scripting in that mod is FAR from what is required, as well, if i use that it will totally trash the mod.


Sorry this is not what im looking for just because it has something to do with somewhat of what im making barely.


However, it was very pleasant to see someone try to help. But the gate is already taken care of. Thanks anyways,

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