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Themed Content Pack--Wallpapers, Floors, Stuff but I Can't Code It


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I've produced a transparent PNG with themed content
(G rated!) that I don't think anybody else has ever done.

This theme looks great in the greenhouses, and near

Junimo Huts. I am told that it looks great. If you like

animals, weather, faraway lands--I think you'll like this.

There are 16 wallpapers, seventeen floor tiles, 4
paintings, and 3 rugs, one of which creates a special
illusion when combined with a particular floor tile.
There are 24 items intended to be used like statues.
There's an item that I hope isn't too big to be used
as a lamp. It is very unusual, I think.
Nine of the items are Golden Walnut themed, rather
than matching the theme of the rest of the content.
They can be used as decor or as place markers.
I don't have enough skill to do the rest of the mod. I
hoped I would learn to code them faster than I have been.
Would someone who can, please help me? All the content
on one 360 px by 360 px png, with two pixels between
all items. I can change it if you need me to do so.
I believe everything is correctly scaled.

This is not the only themed set I've done--but I have been
putting it all in the pngs for other mods. (This for my own
use only.) I can't gift it to this community that way! And
of course, the names are never right that way. I'd rather
get those mods back as they're supposed to be.

Please don't flame me. I'm having a terrible time right now
IRL. You have no idea how much joy it would give me to
have this mod finished and put together so other people
can use it if they would also enjoy it.
I'm attaching a sample PNG that hopefully won't spoil the
surprise of the theme.

I've added a little from my nursery set, flowers,
from my sealife set, from Neoquest II, and from dear departed
sandbox massively multiplayer game, Glitch/ElevenGiants.
The Cubimals are really fun.

The entrance to the mine in my
game is not a lonely place--my dwarf has a lot of companionship
from Glitchen.

I have a southwest themed decor complete with
kiva type fireplaces and a painting of Albuquerque. And I have
a honeymoon suite.

Nearly all of the work is mine, and what isn't (say from Glitch--now
creative commons licensed) took so much work to get in scale, I made
significant changes, and it's for a different purpose, so...maybe I'm
okay there. I will definitely be crediting them as the source.
I want to share all of this before I go to the great role-playing game
in the sky!
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I saved this file as a transparent background png. No idea why uploading it gave it a white background. Computers. The background may help you decide if my work is worth the trouble of coding, anyway.

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I want you all to know that I am not a young adult who should just buckle down and learn code. I was a chemist. I was super good at learning. Now I just feel too old to learn the complexity of C#. I spent a lot of time trying.


I won awards on Worth1000, so hopefully my photoshopping skills are rad enough. It's tough on this scale, though! You have to pick the right details to reveal the nature of very small PNG items. It's not a matter of just letting the software resize it. All you get then is a blur with especially blurry edges.


I use a GIANT monitor so I can see what I'm doing despite bungled cataract surgery.

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Oh, that is so kind of you! Dolly, you made my day. Thank you. Sometimes I feel so invisible!

I have a lot of cool stuff to match that bed, mostly rugs using a combination of other sea life and my favorite SDV/SVE/RSV fish. Right now I'm using a honeymoon theme in my home in my game, but when another farmhouse becomes available to decorate, I'll be making it mermaid/

sea life themed.

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