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Body Mods. Requesting recommendation or reason.


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so... i have beware of girl type 3... and i tried a "narrowed shoulder type 3 alice" thing i found.... and i tested t6m... so far, everything has this wierd looking up-pointing breasts, which are large.


doing further, extensive searches.... i found dimonized for fallout 3 which has decent-looking alice or slim... the breasts are less up-pointed and odd-shaped, and they are slim/thin... but they are fallout 3.


anybody know where i can get a slim, small-breasted, normal-shaped-breasts body mod for new vegas? .... PS: not skinny 6, because i prefer smooth stomach, and breast presence, just small... skinny 6 is too small, and the abs are disconcerting.




i realize this doesn't actually matter, since armors come with their own body mesh, so i will only see this when somebody is nude...


basically, when i kill some random female raider/fiend/etc, then loot all her gear, i would prefer to be pleased with the remaining body, rather than what currently happens. lol.


any recommendations, or reasons i cannot seem to find these?

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You can use FO3 body mods in FNV, as long as it is a replacer it will work without needing to edit anything. The mesh and texture paths for bodies and faces have remained unchanged since FO3. You want to try Type V from FO3 it has smaller breast and has a good armor/clothing replacer, you will need to install a FNV replacer first (to get the FNV armors not included in Type V) and then just install Type V.

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Search for BNB on the Nexus it may have what you are looking for shape wise. Unsure whether or not the meshes would work without the entire mod installed. I do remember it had a dizzying array of bodies and I am pretty sure a couple complete sets of replacer gear for the more popular body types.


If you do not wish to replace every single female body in the Mojave check out the Custom Race Mod. It is set up to allow you to use whatever body you wish on your main character and customize all eight companions.



I use it and am very pleased with it, here is a link.



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