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Graves for your comrades


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If your companion died for you in a battle, why not to pay last respect for him?


While playing Enclave Commander mod, ive lost something like, 13-15 of my beloved comrades, 3 of whom were lieutenants, across wastelands...


Each time when my soldier got killed, i fill guilty a bit, that this guy died in action, and his body will be left by me unburied, like he was not my soldier, but bloody dog..., or one of those whom we killed in short skirmish...


So, idea came across my mind, why not to make simple laser gun, like one in enclave commander mod itself, that will bury a body, at which you shot, in the same place where the body lied before? Ive seen such implementation in early RTS mod, whic came in alfa version few days ago.


Unfortunately i am dumb in scripting, though mod a bit in GECK, but still its out of my skills to make such a mod...


So guys, who is interested in such an idea? I think it will add more RPG elements to our Fall.


THX a lot for reading this stuff :thanks:

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Shouldn't be harder than maybe sneak + activate body lets you bury it (remove actor) and place a grave or cross (maybe stone pile?) at that location... Maybe have the person's items in the grave (as a container)? I can't script or model, but it's a cool idea :)
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correct me if I'm wrong, but I think NPC's have a death item drop down menu in the geck. All you would have to do is replace the death item with a grave. The game already has graves, so it shouldn't be too hard (you could probably take it from the... the... I can't remember the name, the big grave yard to the left of the DC area in the south?)
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