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hi looking for a mod to add Navy-issue Gentex HGU-33 helmets to fallout 4. its a cool idea and I'm just amazed nobody has done it yet. I have no idea how to make it or id make it myself. hoping to have something that is a stand alone that would let you craft it at a chem table and customize it at an armor bench with stuff like colors, mask on/ mask off , visor up/visor down, and maybe even decals for cations or just the option to have none. it would be cool if I could also upgrade it's material like combat armor but not necessary


The best example of one of these for someone who doesn't know would be maverick's helmet from top gun. you can just search maverick's helmet on google and you can see it. id upload a picture but the thing keeps saying I cant.


if you want to do it or you have done it please send me a message. id love to talk about it or get the files from you. thanks in advance!

Edited by youmantj
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