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"GREAT" mod


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I need advice,

I would like do a great mod so someone can give me advice because I don't know what I can do :unsure: ?

this mod should be "great" ! :biggrin:

new weapons ? new creatures ? new animation ?.....

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Well, to answer the question; I believe well made animation mods are in highest demand at the moment, as that's the specific mod group we have the least modders for.



yea that or you can take the easy road, find a popular armor, and strip it down and make it 'sexy'. Those are instant downloads for alot of people.

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Yes, right.



Well anyway, I can always use a hand with my mods. One of my side-projects is a... living weapon of sorts which I'd like to name gluttony. The thing is that I'm thinking in the direction of it having a certain... spirit you could visit in its dream-world and talk to, which would unlock different powers and shapes of the weapon. As the weapons name implies; the spirit should be an incredibly fat teethy ugly guy, which could be based loosely on the orgre. Just fatter, uglier, with really sharp looking teeth, fat lips, fat nose, fat cheeks, tiny piggy eyes and a white wig ;D. Or perhaps a woman, that would work fine too.


I'd be more than happy if you could do that - I mean.. In case you're interested.


I'm planning on creating a bunch of such weapons, I've already got three other ones envisioned.


I need other stuff done as well - A seriously old crone with an oversized backpack towering above her, a chest walking around on many and many little(but human) legs...


So yes, pm me in case you're feeling like helping.

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for The Lost World,

yeah now I and exanimis have one .

but I wait for a Exterior Designers ( I can't do it myself :confused: )

Elraine Kiyoshi,I am animator for Skycaptain but if someone need help I can try, give me a link.


sakura357, I don't want do "sexy" mod :P !


ihateregisteringeverywhere, OK I can try to help you :thumbsup:

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