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Helmet WIP


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Hey guys so i've built this over the past day, gunna aim to have it textured with normal and specular maps by tomorrow.


I was wondering if anyone would add it into game for me? I only have maya on my computer and currently have really bad internet so i cant get 3D studio Max on my computer for a while. (i've looked into how to do it in the past hour and will be able to do it if no one else does (if people want it) but it will take me a while to get into a position where i can be bothered to download 3Ds Max)



Ohh thought i already wrote this, but this helmet is based off the design from the helmet seen in the promotional stuff from Dragon age Inquisition.

Edited by t0mm06
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Well i can help if you send me textures, normal maps and the model in .obj format(since im using blender) i could easily rig and export it to fit the skyrim. What i will not do for you is messing up with CK.

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