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Terminator Total Conversation?


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Dude I already know about all that. But as I already said:


its not a request im giving, its simply an IDEA.


You honestly think I think that by a simple request a TC would be made? I dont expect this EVER to be made. Now chill out cause people are allowed to give suggestions and ideas if they want in this thread hence the name "File Requests/Suggestions" And this is a Suggestion/Idea.

Just chill out man cause your kinda being off topic anyway lol.


Anyways this thread isnt really as much important to me now anyway cause Cybernetic Dawn is AMAZING!! :D. Its the closest thing to Terminators everywhere and all, its in BETA now and its already cool so Im sure it will go really far :).

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Dude I already know about all that. But as I already said:


its not a request im giving, its simply an IDEA.




Anyways this thread isnt really as much important to me now anyway cause Cybernetic Dawn is AMAZING!! :D. Its the closest thing to Terminators everywhere and all, its in BETA now and its already cool so Im sure it will go really far :).


Then this is now closed.

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