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Assasins Are They an Interesting Class?


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Hi all Im new to these forums and Morrowind as well. Ive had MW and all its expansions for the longest but always put off playing for MMORPGs. Well Im convinced now MW is the game I should have been playing all along.


Anyway I was just wondering what your oppinions were on a Dark Elf/ Assasin. Ive started the game a few times kinda messin around with different classes and Ive put in about 10 hrs with this one. Are there things in the game wich I cant do because of my class? Such as join a certain Great House?

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Your class name never stops you from doing anything. It's just what you're good at. You can only join one of the Great Houses at a time (unless you download a certain mod), so House Hlaalu would be your best bet, since they look for applicants who are proficient with stealth-based skills.


The assassin is a fun class, but the dark elf isn't the best canidate for this class. I would've gone with either Khajiit or wood elf. Remember, 'dark elf' is only the slang term for the Dunmer, so just because they are called 'dark elves' doesn't mean they are geared towards shady professions like assassins and the such. But if you like dark elves, hey, who's gonna stop you?

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Thanks Eiade, I guess Ill stick to my Dunmer/ Assasin, this is the kind of game that the more you play the better it seems to become, I cant believe I let it sit on my shelf for so long. Now all I have to do is restrain myself from fallin into another MMORPG trap again. :lol:
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I have been currently playing a lv 37 assassin type woodelf. I have to say the idea of sneaking around and using short blades is a bit different from the norm. It's pretty fun when you can kill lots of your enemies with a sneak attack. While I enjoy being a warrior much better, being a sneaking rogue is a good break from the normal melee characters.
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