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Calling All Modders The South Are Rising


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Hi modders.


I have call apon you for help.I have been designing a town for fallout 3 which is confederate.a small community that are related to a confederate general in the american civil war.This town keep to old southern ways and try to protect confederacy history.This town is all going well but a few things.I myself cannot make new textures and 3d models so im begging for someone to answer my call my produce me what my town needs A CONFEDERATE FLAG.i will do anything for this flag , and either flag it can be the 2nd one or the original STARS AND BARS one its the only thing i need to finish off the town.


Please Help


P.S. if anyone interested in this civil war theme and want to make more, ive seen union style uniforms for fallout3 made but no grey uniforms of the south.God even a simple confederate cap would be nice


cheers again



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  • 3 months later...

Interesting note for you: in the addon/expansion/extra/whatever-you-wanna-call-it-pack 'Point Look-out' there are reportedly confederate caps in abundance, so the only real thing needed uniform wise is the Richmond Depot type 1-3 (Depending on if you want the nice one with all the details or the war friendly 'quickly-made-and-ready') uniform jacket, a pair of either Brown or Grey pants and lastly some shoes to go with the uniform. As for a small/medium village/town/settlement with southern qualities... That, would be really cool. They could be all like: 'The union Failed! Now its our turn! Long live the south!' and stuff, you get my point? But I'd be disappointed if they were doing slavery and 'questionable' stuff like that. (An alternative could be two slightly different mods, like: 'Realistic' which deals in slavery and whatever else the confederation/south was doing back during the civil war and 'Friendly' which are allies of the BoS and all nice and trying to make the world a better place to live in and stuff but still will retaliate if provoked...) Have I made any form of remote sense during my rambling?


Lastly: If anybody out there hooks up on this idea, then you have made my day.

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