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A 'Different' Weapon


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ok, i know this will sound mad... maybe insane, but can someone please make me a water gun?


i know due to there being no 'real' running water animations and such that this might be difficult or maybe impossible but perhaps think outside of the box here ok?


it doesn't have to be pretty, doesn't have to be perfect and it can look like a cobbled together metal water rifle if you like (maybe 2 versions, a standard plastic one and a 'wasteland' version), maybe it could use 'dirty water' as ammo? perhaps 50 shots per bottle? i dunno, that's up to what you guys think.


in my opinion it doesn't even have to be balanced, it can be as powerful as a minigun if you feel so inclined (in fact that would be nice).


so, how about it? i know you're capable, you've created fantastic stuff so far!!!


if you can do that then maybe you can create a toilet cannon for me? (this one is purely for the lolz) i'll leave the finer details up to you!


as a final request... sorry to ask so much of you guys... can someone make me a gothic version of standard power armour? or maybe point me in the direction of something similar?


thanks guys and gals, i really do appreciate all your hard work!!!

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I can whip up the weapon for you easy, I can also throw in some extr settings for it (stun and kill or anything else you want), however, I would need the water, I'm not a moddler, I'm a modder and novice scripter.


Any conventional projectiles though would be easy to modify, maybe a gray coloured alien blaster projectile?

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thanks guys.


eleglas - the grey coloured blaster projectile sounds good as an alternative. in terms of settings i'll let you use your initiative and imagination (if it's not too much trouble then maybe make a couple of different ones? it'll keep you busy for a bit). thanks very much btw, i do appreciate it :-)


manofgah - not a bad idea, it has an arc of fire like water would, similar to a 'nade arc.


anyone good with models to help eleglas out?

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I'll see what I can whip up in the morning, I'm on my laptop as we speak and it doesn't like GECK very much (crashes as soon as I open it!); till then anything else you want putting on it (increase rads cause its radiated water?) feel free to share them, and I'll see what I can do.
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