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Games like XCOM?


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I'm sure this is a question that has been asked before but searching I could not find an answer.


I love the style of XCOM gameplay, having played through the original release (and Terror from the Deep) a number of times and now in its updated version I feel the same love for the game - although at this stage I only have the demo.


A man though cant live on just one game alone so I am looking for games similar to XCOM:EU. I have Arma Tactics and Incubation at the moment and looking out for Jagged Allliance as this looks like it might be worth a punt.


Just wondering if there are any other options out there worth considering? I have done the usually Google and it returned results such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Adavce Wars, Fire Emblem, Civ, Kings Bountys, Heros of Might and Magic etc... Now these are all fine titles but IMO are more RPG and lack the feel and gampley that XCOM offers.


Cheers :smile:

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there are several free fan-project


Ufo:Ai is the more promising .. (still work in progress but playable) http://ufoai.org/wiki/News

atm is "nice", but the team is working on very cool feature like adding bionic limb to injuried soldiers (if you played syndacate.. you'll know), variuos drone type, special buildings etc.

Particularly interesting the levelling system, whose the team are extending to pilot, researcher and enginer (generally flat characters in this kind of game)

it has a decent graphic, a very immersive story, several good maps, a big dynamic tech tree and a lot of weapon and weapon type to choose from

some balancing problem atm (previuos versions aliens was a bit too weak, now are too much god-like ^^)


in that site you'll find the link to a UFO:enemy unknow reboot http://openxcom.org/ but i never played it


another reboot is UFO 2000 http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net/


an old but interesting game is UFO:aftermath (it has 2 sequel, but them sucks)


there is the UFO: Extraterrestrials series (personally i don't like them)


the old but still glorious Jagged Alliance 2

Silent Storm and its expansion, Sentinels.


Then there is a very(very very very ^^) old game


Warhammer 40k chaos gate

Edited by Jodi79
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there are several free fan-project


Ufo:Ai is the more promising .. (still work in progress but playable) http://ufoai.org/wiki/News

atm is "nice", but the team is working on very cool feature like adding bionic limb to injuried soldiers (if you played syndacate.. you'll know), variuos drone type, special buildings etc.

Particularly interesting the levelling system, whose the team are extending to pilot, researcher and enginer (generally flat characters in this kind of game)

it has a decent graphic, a very immersive story, several good maps, a big dynamic tech tree and a lot of weapon and weapon type to choose from

some balancing problem atm (previuos versions aliens was a bit too weak, now are too much god-like ^^)


in that site you'll find the link to a UFO:enemy unknow reboot http://openxcom.org/ but i never played it


another reboot is UFO 2000 http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net/


an old but interesting game is UFO:aftermath (it has 2 sequel, but them sucks)


there is the UFO: Extraterrestrials series (personally i don't like them)


the old but still glorious Jagged Alliance 2


Silent Storm and its expansion, Sentinels.


Then there is a very(very very very ^^) old game


Warhammer 40k chaos gate


Unless I've missed something, UFO: ET doesn't have a 'series'. It's just one game. And you can pick up the gold version on steam for cheap. I highly recommend it.


The other UFO games (Aftershock, Aftermath, and Afterlight) aren't bad, either. I enjoyed the first and third the most. What's great about these games (and so is UFO: ET) is that they are extremely easy to mod. Most of the information is saved in text files, basically, so you can go in and just change anything and everything. There have been several big mods that have come out for these games, some of them almost doubling the size of the research trees. I think the biggest turn-off for a lot of people is that the graphics get progressively more cartoonier throughout the series. Doesn't bother me at all. The other is that they technically aren't turn based. The game plays in real time, but you can pause it to issue orders. The aliens move and fire and all that on their own whenever the game isn't paused.


I've played so, so many of these so-called XCOM clones in the past, and about the only ones I can recommend at the moment are UFO: ET and the UFO: After- series. ET is probably one of the best, and it gets ridiculously hard later on in the game. Definitely a good challenge! Xenonauts, like Jodi79 said, is in early release on Steam. It looks promising, but it has a long way to go from what I've played.

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There are a crap load of UFO series games, but not that great.

If you don't mind outdated graphics there is Jagged alliance 2 (i never liked the first 1) and if you update it with the unofficial patch and mod it, it is QUITE the enjoyable game.

There is also ARMA tactics which is not nearly as good as x-com imo.

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