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Crashing at courier rescue - Viva New Vegas resintall - can't continue


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I originally followed the DarkPopulous guide. It started crashing at the courier rescue so I started over with Viva New Vegas. Now I'm trying to continue but get the following warning and it never loads.

Missing: TFHostfixes.esp, FalloutNV_lang.esp and The Frontier.esm

Starting a new game seems to be OK. If I load a courier rescue save after starting a new game, there is no PIP Boy, etc and it is unplayable. If I load a courier rescue first, it never finishes loading.

Does this mean I have to start a new game and lose 22 hours?



I think I see a little bitty problem. Viva New Vegas is not for The Frontier. That would be why I get sent back to Goodsprings in my underwear. LoL

Edited by wsdickerson
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