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Clothing Mods Cause graphical glitch


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I'm having an issue were sometimes an NPC will have some severely broken textures. and it causes a strobing effect if I look in their direction. Like broken flashing lines coming from the item sometimes small, sometime is spreads out and basically fills the whole screen.


I'm 95% sure it's caused by a clothing mod that is replacing something they are wearing. I just have no idea if there is an easy fix for this, or if I need to figure out the specific items that are causing it and remove the mod completely. It seems like it may only be happening with Pants replacements most of the time it looks like that is where the glitch is "emanating from" It also seems to only be affecting Malstrom NPCs.


any suggestions on how to fix this or am I just going to have to uninstall the mods or deal with the glitches?

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