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Member Map


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I still have a message saying "The Member Map has just been installed. Add yourself to it! ", even though I put my pin in during the first few days. Would it be possible to move the link if someone's already on it? Also, it would be nice to have a zoom feature, but that would be a wee bit harder.


Also, would it be possible to arrange a gathering (probably a few!)? In the US, there seem to be a large number of members in the mideast-eastern-seaboard area, a clump in Washington and Oregon, another near LA (Lostboys is in the ocean), and another in Florida. In Europe, a lot in southern UK (Go figure:P) some in whatever country is north of France and west of Germany, and a bunch on the shoreline of the Scandinavian countries.

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http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/mp-blue%5B1%5D/p_up.gif  Abramul:


Also, it would be nice to have a zoom feature, but that would be a wee bit harder.


I've got your zoom function, right here.


http://mwsource.com/forum/style_images/mp-blue%5B1%5D/p_up.gif  Abramul:


Also, would it be possible to arrange a gathering (probably a few!)?


I believe Darky would express more than a little bit of concern over myself and Peregrine being within firing range of each other, not to mention some of this forum's more infamous spammers.

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