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Animation Problem


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Don't exactly know what to call this problem. But here's the problem...


I managed to create a custom animation in blender, and got it working in FO3 without crashing. Basically it makes the actor sleep on their back, instead of on their side. Well, it works great. Except... She keeps rolling from her back to her side and back again. over and over. I want her to stay on her back while the condition is true. Here's some details.


I set it as a sibling to the three BedStirInSleep idles and made a condition for it and put it above the other three.

4 sec long. Its named BedSleepBack.kf, I set the internal name to SpecialIdle_BedSleepBack, NiControllerSequence start time 0.000 end time 4.000

text keys...

0.000 start

0.033 loopstart

3.000 blend:25

3.967 loopend

4.000 end


I tried both Cycle_Loop and Cycle_Clamp. Neither one seems to affect anything. I have no idea what to do with the blend:25. It was in the other bed idles so I figured i needed it some how.


I think I got all the bases covered. But as you can tell I am complete noob when it comes to animations. Probably something simple. I just cant figure it out.


I should add that my animation does not make her roll. The game is doing that.

Edited by lorenzo19
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I think I might have worked it out. I am still really confused though. The animation group was set for idle. So i changed it to special idle cause the other three sleep idles are set that way. That just made it worse. now she rolls 45 degrees and freezes for 4 secs, half way between side and back positions. Then back to her side.


So I set the anim group back to idle and checked loop forever. That seems to have fixed it.


But I still concerned that I might get intermittent crashes because the blend key is not set properly. It working the way I want but, I am not at all sure that I didn't just hack it and it going to keep giving me problems.

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lorenzo19 - Hello!


I'm afraid custom animation creation is a very select skill, few have it.


I've only ever tinkered with existing animations so any advice I can offer is limited.


A fair bit about setting up animations in Nifskope are lightly, if at all, documented.


What I do is compare something similar & follow it's set up as closely as possible, which sounds like what you've done.


If you've got it working to your liking just test it repeatedly to see if any CTD's occur.


Should you encounter a CTD, meticulously compare settings between your animation & a comparative vanilla one.


Chances are, if you've got similar settings to a vanilla animation, then you've got it set up right.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.



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thanks, prensa. Appreciate the moral support and advice. I can see why animation is not widely modded. Took me about 80 hours to learn blender just enough to do a 4 sec animation. But even though even angels fear to mod FO3 animation, its cool to see your characters come to life with a new animation.

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lorenzo19 - Hello!


"Took me about 80 hours to learn blender just enough to do a 4 sec animation."


I can believe it, it takes a bit of work just to get Blender installed. :)


I've never mastered it myself, I've managed to get quite good with Nifskope though.


"But even though even angels fear to mod FO3 animation, its cool to see your characters come to life with a new animation."


It would be cool, I've done a few animated objects with Nifskope & it does add an extra dimension.


Definitely persevere, it'll give your mod something different. :)


Best of luck!



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I have saved some links to threads you might be interested in. In particular, pay attention to SaidenStorm's threads and the links to his own page. He was/is the best modeler I ever knew on these forums. His Storm Front Studio home page even has modeling tutorials.


Fake random anim start


Swapping Animations:

Imorting animations: (I guess this site has folded...)

Rigging: (This link doesn't seem to work either)


You can also still find very useful info on the TES wiki. here is a search page to start from:


TES Modeling

Edited by pkleiss
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lorenzo19 - Hello!

"I want to do some animated objects too. Are they easy? Haven't dug into learning that yet. But it's on my list."

Surprisingly not that hard, as long as you've got some experience with Nifskope.

I've been able to do a few neat things since tinkering with them.

I found taking apart existing animated objects was the best way to learn how they work.

Doors are usually simple examples to pull apart & footlocker01.nif.

You can actually adapt existing animations in models to your own use by replacing parts a within them

There's a simple example of that kind of converting discussed by Ghogiel here:


The first guide I read was actually for Oblivion, so quite outdated for Fallout 3 but much of the basics apply.


There's also this good but more complex guide:

Tutorial: Working with the NiControllerManager by TrickyVein


Ghogiel made a guide about Animated textures here:


There's bit's & bobs about to read but I found the best thing was to start tinkering with vanilla animated objects & found I was soon able to progress from there. :)

Hope this helps!


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