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Animation Problem


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Sorry, prensa. I got confused with the terminology. I thought you were talking about anim objects like the broom in the sweeping animation, or the bottle in the drinking animation. I have a few ideas for that use. Like there is no standing/eating animation.


but now that you mention it. anim static object might work for the clock I want to make. I just wondering is there a way to synchronize the hands of the clock to an external source? Clocks have to be set to the correct time. It looks like the anim use real time. Where a clock would have to use game time.


What the best way to tackle a animated clock? the idea I can think of is to make 3 seperate objects, the face, hour hand and minute hand. Carefully place them exactly on the X or Y axis, and use the Rotate function to set/sync/spin the hands. But that very limiting and tedious. Be a lot easier if the clock was all one object.

Edited by lorenzo19
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Synchronization is what prevent me to continue a project of a digital clock (texture animated).
If synchronized with game, time will look like flying, if synchronized with real time it won't be of any use and will be desynchronized with game play (immersion breaking). Not to mention the external source to find for synchro...

Animation IS very a tedious process (I've placed 1OO new keys for an animation, it took me the night).

For your clock, you can have/make one object with 3 NiNode in which 2 (hour & min. hands) are animated.

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If synchronized with game, time will look like flying,


Yeah, time is flying in the game. One min goes by in two seconds. So a minute hand will look like a slow second hand. Takes a character 20 minutes to walk across a medium size room. Game time is not realistic at all. A real time clock in game is not realistic either. The choice is what is more correct. Game time clock is my choice. I don't need to know real time. I got clocks for that already.


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