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Performance? or Quality?


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I have been using fo3 "right below full settings" like 10 sample anisotropic filtering and no anti aliasing with 1280 x 720 resolution. i was fine with it (and it looked good) and i got around 30 fps with it. then i experimented and put 4 samples anti aliasing and 15 anisotropic samples and it looked so amazing that it made my other settings look like it was a ps1 game.... but, i was getting like 10-15 fps on it. ik on an FPS game, 10 frames per second will not work, but, do you think i will be able to pull it off on an RPG? or should i go with performance over quality?





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How bout both? I run my Fallout on Ultra with great performance. It depends on if you are willing to spend $ though. If you don't want to upgrade/change your system then I'd say definetly performance. On my old computer, I tried to run it for high Quality but it had terrible Performance so it was unplayable. Therefore, Performance>Quality.


Also, are you allowed nude pics here? Cuz I don't think you are...

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balance in the force young jedi :D


i have been waiting to say that for years!!


make it look as good as you can without dropping frame rate :)

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Personally, at least on Fallout, I prefer quality. I use VATS on those times every so often when killing a group of enemies would be impossible without it.

I run it with 4 samples of AA, 12 of AF, perfect water/LOD settings etc. Sure, the framerate isn't as good as it could be, but it looks amazing.

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