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Random Unkillable Bandits?


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Every now and then I come across unkillable Bandits.

I can take them down easily, but they only get knocked unconscious, even though they don't even have the "crown" essential icon when I mouse over them.

I'm not running any addons that I think would affect this (I know "Under the Wall" does this, but I don't run that)

But i'm pretty sure that's what it must be, so here's a list of what i'm running.


Aznar's Life Detection

Better Water

Book Jackets Oblivion - BP


Borderless Cyrodiil

CM Better Wine

All the official Bethesda mods

Dungeon Actors have Torches

Forgotten Tomb

Harvest Flora

Illumination Within

KT Custom Race Fix

No Psychic Guards Harder

Real Lava

Remove Persuasion Game Replies

Vaults of Cyrodiil

Ren's Beauty Pack

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If everything else fails, you could disable every mod one by one, check in-game if the bandits are still invincible then re-enable and disable the next mod.... :S
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Often just disabling a mod doesn't remove it entirely, and removing just the esp doesn't do it either. You may have to find what the 'Under the Wall' mod left behind and delete it too. OMODs fix this by repackaging the mod and when the OMOD is disabled, everything from that mod is removed completely from the data folder, then if enabled, everything is added again.
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