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More HotKeys Please - Somone PLEASE take over it?


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Spinner has left the scene or at least this mod.... I have no programming experience but this mod he made is so good. If any mod needs a redux it is this one. All the code is open and he said he hopes someone would take over.

Out of all the mods on the Nexus, only a few are focused on "playing" the game. Most add things, or improve graphical stuff. There are only a few like "skyUI" for example that try and make the player interaction with the game itself better. This is one of those mods.

It allows you to make very complicated hotkeys and also allows you to set hotkeys for the controllers.

If anyone is looking for a modding project that the scene could really use then please think about taking up this mod! I really think it is probably one of the most essential mods on the nexus.

Thanks in advance

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