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Holding One-Handed Weapons in Two-Hands


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So I'm a big fan of Dark Souls and one of the little things I like in that game is the ability to switch between holding a weapon in one hand while having a sword in the other, then pressing a button and holding it in two-hands for an increase in damage (and probably attack speed too). I've been looking around and I haven't found a mod that does this.


Firstly, I'm not talking about modifying one-handed weapons to be used in two-hands, I'm talking about the ability to, at the press of a button, switch between holding a weapon in one or two hands. Now, considering that I am not a modder, I have no idea about the feasibility of this, so if it's not possible, that's cool. If it is possible, though, I think it would be a neat idea.


Thanks in advance.

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