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Real-Time V.A.T.S Wallhack


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Essentially transforming V.A.T.S from an aimbot into a wallhack.


A mod that reworks V.A.T.S to remove the slowdown and aimbot, and just highlights enemies in green in real-time, similar to how Berry Mentats work. It could target the actor(s) closest to your crosshair, or just every actor on screen and in range. Would drain AP while active, with modifiers to that (e.g gun mods) increasing/decreasing the AP drain speed.
V.A.T.S related perks could be redone into things like slower AP drain, more targets at once, longer range at which they get marked, etc. You could also have critical hits only be possible against marked targets.
Would be a fantastic mod for people who don't like to use V.A.T.S but play in survival (enemies hiding behind cover but you have no idea where because theres no compass pips) and people who use mods like Darker Nights where enemies can be nearly impossible to see at night.
I would make it myself but my experience with modding so far is just making small changes to items in the Creation Kit, so while I look into it maybe someone who actually knows what they're doing would either want to see this happen and do it themselves better than I ever could, or laugh at how impossible it is


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