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Noob in need of help


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Alright i used to mod on Oblivion before so im not completely hopless and i mod alot on Fallout 3 but i have a problem, Oblivion seems to have more Programs than Oblivion.


Fallout 3 got the FOMM, FOSE and such but Oblivion seems to have more of these Can anybody give me links to the and explain to me what kinda Programs for useing to my Oblivion? i ready on many of the Mod of the Month and they Required many of the... FCLM or i do not remember the name but i just want all the Handy programs to Mod in my Oblivion, Please guide this noob to the light?


PM's or add to msn and such would be VERY helpfull.

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Oblivion uses more programs because Oblivion has been around longer.



Oblivion Mod Manager - Must have, manages your mods.




OBSE (Oblivion script extender) - Required if your gonna run some mods such as deadly reflex.




BOSS (Better oblivion sorting software) - A must have to avoid mod conflicts.





theres a few others....but i cant think of them right now.

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Nifskope isnt ENTIRELY needed, it allows you to view the models and what not that come with many oblivion mods, it also allows you to edit them a bit....only needed if you intend to make mods yourself.
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