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blender/nif question


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I made a pistol holster in blender by editing the dummy holster on the armored vault suit mesh, changing the angle and making it bigger...I've got it in game and it works, but because the dummy holster was attached to the leg, so is my new holster and it follows the animation of the characters legs whilst the pistol doesn't..

is there an easy fix to attach it to the right body part...whatever that might be, lol I'm completely new to modelling and I havent done anything like this before

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i think you need to change the vertex group they belong to, then parent them to the correct bone (im guessing you would want the hip?), in blender before exporting. but for matching up the pistol with the holster of the armor there may be complications im unaware of. but there are some other threads around here discussing holsters.
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