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this continues my story 'the inferno'. this is a crossover with the game 'left 4 dead' if you don't know anything about it the wikipedia page is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_4_dead


please tell me what you think. also i have no idea where this is going so if anyone has an idea i'm open to suggstions. i'll shut up now. on to the new story




The infection hit hard. Nobody believed what was happening until the infected were breaking down their doors. Cities were plunged into chaos. The military did what they could, which was not much. They also were hit hard. Inferno company was no exception. Many men were infected and many more killed, but due to wildfire and shade’s actions the casualties were kept to a minimum. out of the 12,000 men of inferno company only 4,000 were killed. One week after the first infection wildfire traveled to the phoenix organization’s main base and called a truce.



In the inferno company’s main hall wildfire was about to revel the partnership to both sides


“ everyone I know we have been fighting for over 10 years but nether of us could predict what has happened. Given what has happened I have called a truce between the inferno company and the phoenix organization. In addition we will be working together from now on to save survivors . I don’t care what you think of this. The disaster we’re in is bigger than either of us. If I catch any of you fighting I will deal with you personally”


Shocked and angry muttering filled the hall. “this is bullshit!” one inferno company soldier yelled out

A gunshot rang out and everyone fell silent. The man that spoke out was holding the side of his head. Blood was leaking from his fingers. When the men next to him managed to pull his hand away everyone saw a large amount of his ear was gone. Everyone turned to the stage.



Wildfire was holding one of the heartbreakers, it was smoking “I will not tolerate fighting. This is your only warning. Inferno company, find a partner and show them around.” with that he started to walk away, leaving the crowd stunned.


“my god!"


“he shot his own man!”


“we were fighting HIM?!”


The whispers would last for weeks



Later at the main entrance


Wildfire was walking out the door when shade stopped him


“where are you going?”


“to get some exercise” he said smiling under his mask………

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